
Сообщения за август, 2019

Emjac — The World’s 1st Green Renewable Energy Project

Information about the  EMJAC  project for potential buyers of EMJ tokens. The information provided here is incomplete and does not imply contractual obligations and can only be considered general information about the project. This official report is intended to provide basic data about the project to prospective buyers of tokens based on making it possible to decide on purchasing EMJ tokens. Nothing can be interpreted here as investment quotes of any kind. The quote for this EMJ token is not an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction. This document does not offer purchases of EMJ tokens to individuals and companies that do not have sufficient legal capacity to participate in the sale of tokens. If you are not sure you have the right to participate in the sale of EMJ tokens, you must register with a legal, financial, tax or other professional consultant. Participation in the sale of tokens is entirely voluntary. Someone must carefully revi...

Robust Security elrond

Enabling secure transactions and maintaining security in face of attacks Elrond is built to ensure resistance to known security problems like Sybil attack, Rogue-key attack, Nothing at Stake attack and others. We are achieving this by combining the following aspects: Randomness source The source of randomness is composed of the last block's aggregated signature and the round’s number. Being a collective signature, each node that participates in the process alters the final signature data. Even if the block proposer can control which transactions will be included in a block, the signature cannot be influenced in a predictable way. This is because the aggregated signature is created by multiple parties. Shard reorganization After each epoch, a third of the nodes from each shard are redistributed uniformly and non-deterministically across the other shards, to prevent collusion. This method adds bootstrapping time for the nodes that were redistributed, but t...

Goose Q — Solusi terbaik baru untuk Big data dan Logistik

Apa itu GOOSE Q? Platform ini bergantung pada blockchain untuk memperbaiki industri logistik Cina. Yang patut dicatat adalah bahwa industri saat ini dihadang oleh banyak masalah, termasuk ketidakmampuan perusahaan logistik untuk mendapatkan informasi real-time tentang truk dan pengemudi mereka. Ada juga masalah peningkatan kecelakaan lalu lintas dan kurangnya data statistik oleh perusahaan asuransi. Sehubungan dengan itu, blockchain GOOSE Q berencana untuk menggunakan model desentralisasi untuk memperbaiki masalah ini untuk mengatur industri logistik Cina di jalan kemuliaan. Baca lebih lanjut untuk menemukan beberapa fitur yang ditawarkan. Mengumpulkan Data Besar melalui Kerangka 4G / 5G Salah satu masalah signifikan yang menghambat industri ini adalah kurangnya data yang relevan dan memadai tentang truk dan pengemudi. Sebagai contoh, perusahaan asuransi merasa sulit untuk menguraikan penyebab kecelakaan yang melibatkan kendaraan pengangkutan. Otoritas pemerinta...